Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Red Bull Art of Can

Red Bull Art of Can is a national juried exhibition featuring artwork in a variety of media that have one thing in common—they are all inspired by Red Bull or crafted from the iconic blue and silver cans.
The juried exhibition is open to anyone with a flair for creativity and the talent to transform an original concept into a compelling piece of art that can be shared with a public audience. Sculptures, paintings, digital/graphic designs and various forms of mixed media will all be considered.

All submitted pieces will be critiqued by a prominent panel of judges from the art community.
On average, 40-60 pieces will be accepted into the national exhibit. Judges will review each piece based on the three Cs:

Creativity (overall idea behind the piece)
Conceptual execution (how well the piece translates the idea)
Construction (the quality of production/final presentation).

A select number of pieces from the exhibition will also be included in advertising. Additionally, judges will award top honors to the three most compelling creations.

The blue and silver Red Bull cans have captured the imagination of thousands of artists worldwide that have crafted pieces utilizing the cans or representing the fuel and energy they provide. Works from past exhibits include a spectacular dragon sculpture soaring above clouds;


a glowing six-foot- tall beehive complete with a colony of swarming bees;

and, a glittering, floor-length ballroom gown;

Red Bull Art of Can has a long international history which began in Europe in 2000. Since then, exhibits have been hosted all over the world including Prague, Switzerland, London, Dublin, Dubai, Budapest, Vienna, Warsaw and Amsterdam.

To learn more about Red Bull Art of Can visit http://www.redbullartofcan.com.

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